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Senate Investigation requested as regards the Riot at Bilibid?

At about 7:30 am today, a riot ensued at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP). It was reported that the riot started when a certain Peter Co attacked Clarence Dungail after the latter reprimanded the former. The riot resulted to the death of Tony Co, a high-profile inmate, and the injury of others, including Jaybee Sebastian who is considered to be a key witness to the NBP drug trade.

Senator Trillanes is moving for the Senate to conduct an investigation on the said riot.

Some questions from a layman… Why would the Senate investigate such a riot? What law to be passed would be aided by the Senate Investigation of the matter? Wouldn’t it be better for the Philippine National Police (PNP) or the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to conduct the Investigation as they are the agencies tasked with investigation work?

Some would say that this riot is connected to the Drug Probe being conducted in the New Bilibid Prison. Some even attribute the riot to Senator Leila Delima stating that she would have much to gain if Jaybee Sebastian was to die, which such allegation was denied by the Senator.

My reaction? Well, I believe that the investigation should be left t the proper authorities. The PNP or the NBI should be the agencies who would conduct the investigation and not the Senate, as Senator Antonio Trillanes would want. The Senators should, instead, concentrate on the task that they were voted into office for, the passing of laws. If they deem it necessary to pass a law that would prevent the same incident from happening, then they should do just that, pass a law. If they say that there is a need to inquire into the riot in order to create a law, then they should make it clear what law and for what purpose the law should be and how the inquiry or investigation would help in the creation of such a law.

However, if the request for such an investigation by the Senate is only to investigate the incident without being connected to the main function of the Senate which is Legislative in nature, then I urge the Senate to keep its hands off of the incident and leave the investigation to the proper agencies.

If the Senators wish to act more like investigators, then so should the investigators act as legislators.

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