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My Take on the "Extra-Judicial Killings" in the Philippines

The local news is bombarded with the deaths of suspected drug users, pushers and druglords in the Philippines. It is with an alarming rate that the deaths have escalated since President Rodrigo Duterte has began office.

As always, there are differing views on the matter. One view is that those deaths are justified since the victims are suspected drug users or pushers. People of this view think that those victims deserved to die.

Another view is that the deaths are against human rights. People of this view believe that any kind of killing is wrong and this should not happen.

I believe that there is a process upon which matters should be solved. At the rate things are going right now, a person may simply kill another and say that the victim is a suspected drug user or pusher.

We have to admit that the so-called Extra-Judicial killings are making a difference. People are begining to trust the Police. The bad elements of society are afraid of the Police.

Still, there is a process. The process should be followed in order to save the innocent. Even if there is only a 1% chance that a person is innocent, that chance should be taken. Yes the bad people should be made to answer for their crimes. But, most of all, the innocent should be protected.

There is a good side and a bad side to everything. Duterte just chose the fastest way to achieve order, but it is order nonetheless. Still, the innocent are put in danger. Verification should be made, and one way is to follow due process.

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