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A reaction to Pacquiao's drug use

I heard on the vine that Manny Pacquiao, a Boxing Legend and a Filipino Senator, has admitted to using prohibited drugs when he was young. Though, despite Senator Pacquiao's admission of his use of narcotics, he has stressed that he is a firm supporter of President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs as well as the call for the restoration of the death penalty.

I must say that I am not at all shocked by the admission of Senator Pacquiao. It is quite rampant on the youth to use drugs, particularly on the youth living with less than adequate conditions.

It is known, as shown by the story of Senator Pacquiao’s life, that the boxing legend, before rising to his lavish status today, was of humble beginnings. He is no stranger to a situation where life deals you a lesser set of cards. To put it simply, Senator Pacquiao started out poor. Much like other countries, the poor may cling to prohibited substances to escape the harsh reality of their life. I guess Senator Pacuiao took the same path.

What I choose to concentrate on is the fact that Senator Pacquiao overcame his addiction and chose to be successful in life, which a lot of addicts fail to do as they give up on life easily. Senator Pacquiao saw hope where most addicts shut their eyes.

Which begs the question, could one of the drug suspects that died as a result of the drug war reach the heights of success as Senator Pacquiao? Well, we will never know. On a different note, maybe those who died actually chose to give up on life, seeing that the reports of their encounter say that they “fought back” instead of surrendering.

Anyway, people should find lesson and inspiration in Senator Pacquiao. Leave drugs and become successful.

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