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A reaction to the De Lima ouster as Committee Chairman of the Senate Justice Committee

Senator Leila De Lima was recently ousted from her position as the Committee Chairman of the Senate Justice Committee. Sixteen (16) Senators voted in favor of the ouster of Senator De Lima from her position. Nonetheless, Senator De Lima is still made a member of the committee.

I believe that such a thing was inevitable. It is well known that Senator De Lima and the current President of the Republic of the Philippines, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, are political enemies. There is a rift between the two politicians. and this is shown by the constant bickering and moves that they make to reveal and attribute dark secrets to each other.

Who in the right mind would wage a war against President Duterte in the Philippines at this moment? It was simply a mistake to fight such bleak cause. There is a right time to fight and a right to to stand down.

As to the Chairmanship, why was Senator De Lima made the Chairman of the Justice Committee when it is well known that there is a rift between her and President Duterte? If the goal was to ultimately humiliate and bring down Senator De Lima, then I guess Senator Pimentel was successful. If such was not the goal, then such a move only added fuel to the fire. A harmonious Government with the end of Philippine development and success cannot be achieved when the heads of the government have personal grudges against each other. The winning party should be afforded total support in order for the country to grow. The losing party should wait until the next election to wage a war against other parties. The focus should be the country and not personal crusades.

As to the allegations, the Senate is not the venue for bringing out such accusations. The inquiry should only be for the purpose of making a better law that would benefit the country.

As to the witnesses, the point of Senator Cayetano as to the verification of the truth of the allegations that a witness would state in the inquiry should first be made before presentation. Any allegation, whether it be true or not, has a tendency to create biases and views in the listener. False statements would eventually lead a person to believe it as true, and thus it is not good for the country. One should not take as truth a statement without verification as to its genuineness.

It was inevitable that Senator De Lima was ousted. Her move of waging a war against President Duterte at the moment is a bad idea as it would only bring her down. Senator De Lima should have waited for the right time and opportunity to do such a thing.

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