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Globe Telecoms Customer Service... Fail...

I have been a Globe Telecoms subscriber for years, I believe since the year that the Nokia 3310 Cellular Phone came out. I have been experiencing difficulty in registering to Globe Telecoms Prepaid Promos. The message prompts I receive are not failure messages but "Sorry, we were unable to process your request..." So, I decided to call the Globe Telecoms Customer Service.

It was a Friday that I first reported the difficulty in registering to the Globe Telecoms Prepaid Promo. It wasn't just one promo, but ANY promo. I did all the troubleshooting that they asked me to do, but to no avail. Thus, I was informed not to register to any promo and wait for ten (10) minutes before registering. I was assured that the promo registration would push through after 10 minutes. So I waited for 10 minutes and tried to register. Lo and behold, it still did not push through.

I call the Globe Telecoms Customer Service again on a Saturday morning and reported the problem. I was again made to do some basic troubleshooting, despite me saying that I have already done those earlier. I was then told that they would make a report and to expect results within twenty-four (24) hours.

On a Sunday morning, I called the Globe Telecoms Customer Service again to inform them that the problem still persists and that the 24 hours that they gave me was about to end. I was informed that they would make a follow-up report in order to expedite the action, I was also informed that the monitoring/waiting time for results is 24 to forty-eight (48) hours and not just 24 hours. I already had a frustrated tone in my voice. But then, I had no choice but to accede to their instructions. I do know that they are just agents and they could not do anything but to inform their support group.

As the day was about to end, knowing that the Globe Telecoms Customer Service for can be called only until 10 pm, I again called. I explained my situation. They answered again in a somewhat robotic way that the report is still active and that there was nothing I could do but to wait. I clarified if the report has been seen or acted upon or it was only seen upon a follow-up report made. I was informed that the report I made on a Saturday was only after twelve (12) noon, I know that I made the report at about eleven (11) am, and that the follow-up report was made only earlier. I then explained that I was calling because the day was about to end and I wouldn't be able to call the Globe Customer Service after 10 pm, and, as I was informed at an earlier date by a Globe Customer Service Agent, that the Talk2Globe in which you would have to send HELP to 1234 is only available for TM subscribers. Again, the agent reiterated the report, the time, and the monitoring time. I asked if the follow-up report did anything to "EXPEDITE" the solution of the problem. I was informed that it didn't. Again, I had not choice but to accede to their instructions.

I was still experiencing the problem and I was holding my business transactions I needed to do with that Globe Number, thus, I again called on a Monday morning to follow-up. The agent informed me that they would elevate the problem and ask a supervisor to send an Electronic Mail (E-Mail) to the support group and I would have to wait for another 24 hours for a result. Again, I have no choice but to accede to their instructions.

I get the feeling that the customer, in this case, is not the priority and that the customer is not always right. The problem could have been immediately elevated, but it took 3 days, and still counting, before it was done. It is frustrating that a Telecom Company which promises good service to its subscribers is actually failing in that. A problem that is reported in the Customer Service would actually take more than seventy-two (72) hours before it is solved. Thus, a customer would have to lose 3 days of business transactions with that number.

It would have been better if another Telecom Company would enter the country. But, the two giant Telecom Companies in the Philippines have made moves to ensure that it wouldn't happen. They are monopolizing the industry. I say that, if they want to monopolize the industry, they should give a better service. Their internet and mobile data service sucks, now the service in the promos that they give to appease the subscribers would likewise suck? If they can't give good quality service to the subscribers, they should just close their business.

By the way, the quality of the agents answering the calls and the chats should be screened better. The sentence construction is kind of sub-par, which would result in a miscommunication. I am not saying that I am the best in the English Language, all I am saying is if a person would be employed in customer service then they should be well equipped in the field. Saying that "I would make a report that you could not use a service" is different from saying that "I would make a report so that you could not use the service." Little differences would mean bigger things.

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