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Disgusting governance...

We are governed by people who put their own selfish desires over the welfare of the many... Look at our society today. Notice that there are a lot of problems that are haunting each and every one who lives within the bounds of government. The government who should be our beacon of light, our glimmer of hope, seems to stay stagnant. Why do I say this? Even a lay man would say that there are short comings in addressing the problem of high oil prices, low salaries, hunger, road works, corruption, and development in general, to name a few. If a simple lay man can notice these things, then why not the people who sit in power? Think about it...

With all these problems hounding our society right this moment, the main topic that seems to be in the minds of our representatives in the Government is the upcoming 2013 elections. That in itself is a problem. The people who should be seeking and implementing solutions to the problems of society seem to become a part of the problems intead of the solutions. Please, I beg of you, perform your jobs first before even thinking of talking about the election. Set aside politics and bring about development in the ghosts of society. If the talk of elections cannot be dispensed with at this moment, then I urge each and every citizen to undergo voters education. Think of the consequences that your single vote would result to. Choose a candidate who would bring about solutions, not a candidate whose name resounds by virtue of their celebrity status. Choose with the long term plan in mind, not just a short term relief. Choose people who can change the way that the government works for the better, not someone who would just be eaten up by the system or who, when elected, does nothing. Get up! Stand up! Fight for what's right.

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