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The Customer is Always Right... Not!

Ok. This really pissed me off. I am sick with cough and flu. I feel like I'm having a headache. I have a huge lack of sleep. And now my internet services is disrupted?! Because we didn't pat an amount which we are protesting? And this has gone for a number of months now? Who wouldn't be pissed off.

So I was feeling so sick when i had to wake up and talk to this service provider. And they told me yesterday that they were going to fix it. Now they told me that they are going to repeat the process they did yesterday? Talk about customer service. All customer and no service. And the thing is, our dispute has been going on for several months now. Since august. And the status? "Under Investigation." And they would like us to pay? No way.

What do they want us to do? Wait... and wait... and wait...

I was looking for a way to expedite the process. But no. There is a process that we must follow. The thing is, that process doesn't work. So do we still follow? Apparently, yes.

"You're call is important to us..." Apparently not. You made me wait for an hour and all you can say is 'wait.' Also, you made me wait for 30 minutes and then you will drop my call? Is my call important to you at all? I guess not.

i hope you resolve the problem we have. And I hope you do not lose any customers because of this.

I was informed that if i file a complaint with the President of the Company, then all the people I've talked with who was not able to resolve my problem are in danger of losing their jobs. I hope it doesn't come to that. I do not want to be the reason for your loss.

My conclusion? The customer is NOT always right. We are at the mercy of the service providers. And we cannot do anything about it.

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