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Bad Governance: The Bureau of Customs under Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon...

For a few months now, the Philippine Bureau of Customs has been under the leadership of Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon. He was appointed into such a prestigious position by none other than President Rodrigo Duterte.

I have heard that Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon came to be appointed to the position after he spoke against Senator Antonio Trillanes, who made bad allegations against President Rodrigo Duterte. Maybe the loyalty of Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon was known to be on the side of President Rodrigo Duterte after the stunt he pulled, and to some other factors and connections, thus garnered him the position of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs. We would never officially know.

If I were to rate Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon on his leadership of the Bureau of Customs, I would give him a failing mark. Upon assuming office, Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon put up a stunt by holding a meeting with the Deputy Commissioners and Deputy Directors of the Bureau of Customs in which he angrily shouted, while banging on his desk, that he will shoot or kill anyone caught to be corrupt. Unconfirmed sources say that the day after such stunt, a sum of Seventy-Five Million Pesos (Php 75,000,000.00) more or less was given to Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon, which was alleged to be for his personal account. It was, as the sources would say, a bribe or a gift in connection with the Bureau of Customs or the importers or people doing big business with the said Bureau. Again, these are unconfirmed.

Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon also issued a Bureau Order, a law which would be effective within the Bureau of Customs, creating a Command Center. The creation of the Command Center basically removes all the powers of the different departments of the Bureau of Customs and gives the sole power to govern the Bureau of Customs to Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon as he sees fit. It seems to be a dictatorship of some sort. And this came after the allegation that he received the Php 75,000,000.00. This kind of sounds fishy… hmmm…

Recent news shows that a group, some would say a Davao Group, calls for the resignation of Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon from his post. This is by the reason that he is not fit for the position and he has mismanaged the Bureau of Customs. The collection of the Bureau of Customs is reportedly down by Thirty Billion Pesos (Php 30,000,000,000.00). A collection which would have been a source for other government projects and advocacies.

After a careful perusal of the allegations and news, Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon seems to be unfit for the position of Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs. It must be questioned if his stint in the military has equipped him to hold such a position. I believe he does not have enough experience to effectively manage the Bureau of Customs. Some sources would say that his military record is truly lacking in that he has not held positions which would be commensurate to even half of the skills that is required in running an organization, much less a big and important department such as the Bureau of Customs.

I am for the resignation of Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon. A person who has atleast held a position that may live up to the task of being the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs must be appointed to the Office. Well, if reports are true, Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon doesn’t have anything to lose now. He has profited from his short stint as the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs. Some sources say that he might have profited about Five Hundred Million Pesos (Php 500,000,000.00). Again, these are unconfirmed allegations.

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