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A Reaction to the De Lima Drug Connection Allegations...

I cannot help but feel pity for Senator Leila De Lima. It is clear that the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte is out to get Senator Leila De Lima. It’s as if the rival fraternities in San Beda College – Mendiola, College of Law are engaged in a frat war.

For those who do not know, Senator Leila De Lima is a member and founder of the Lambda Rho Sigma Sorority, the female counterpart of the Lambda Rho Beta Fraternity. On the other hand, President Rodrigo Duterte is a member of the Lex Talionis Fraternity. It is quite known to the members of the San Beda College of Law that the Lambda Rho Beta Fraternity and the Lex Talionis Fraternity have had a long standing rivalry as to who reigns supreme in the San Beda College of Law. Some sort of a pissing contest. The rivalry can even go as far as a slugfest in the middle of the College of Law Library for trivial reasons such as a bad stare of one against the other, or even both at each other.

I do not think that such rivalry in the College of Law is the reason for the feud that is happening right now in the Philippine politics. If such is a case, it is quite sad to see Bedan Lawyers going against each other instead of fighting together for the fame and glory of their Alma Mater.

The recent developments of the feud between President Duterte and Senator De Lima clearly show that Senator De Lima is on the low end. Senator De Lima is even showing signs of frustration due to being pushed to her limits. Well, it is somewhat expected as the full force of the administration is against Senator De Lima.

As I have said, I cannot help but feel pity for her. A person can only take so much. Also, she is being berated not only by the administration but also by the public. It is quite wrong to divulge personal information. Yes, a person who has done wrong deserves persecution. But, I believe, she does not have to experience public persecution other than what the law may mandate. And besides, the allegations against Senator De Lima have yet to be proven true.

With that said, I believe that the recommendation of President Duterte is correct in that Senator De Lima should take a few days break. Such break should be used to gather herself and regain her composure. A person who is frustrated will make irrational moves. And the more that Senator De Lima acts out, the more that the public audience would ridicule her.

Right now, the public is against Senator De Lima. Filipinos are hesitant to believe, if not totally do not believe, any statement that Senator De Lima makes. Also, the public has the tendency to immediately judge a person without grasping the whole story. They even make remarks which are unprofessional and uncalled for.

Although, it is true what Secretary Aguirre. Senator De Lima should, instead of giving unsubstantiated remarks, provide evidence that would belie the allegations against her.

Considering all of that, I still can’t help but feel pity for Senator De Lima. A single person can only take so much. I just hope that despite everything that has happened, Senator De Lima can still hold on to her sanity.

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