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Incarceration Paradise

For several weeks, news have been plagued by the inspections in the Jail Facilities in Metro Manila. One in particular is the Bilibid situated in Muntinlupa. The inspectors have found several items which are considered as disallowed to be possessed and enjoyed by the inmates. These range from firearms and ammunition to gadgets like televisions, air conditioners, cellphones, and the like.

It did not shock me when I heard of such news. I see it on movies and television series', and I know of some in reality. It seems that most of the people that I know who have seen the news were also not shocked. And that is the sad reality.

Well, the high officials of the land are, as they say, dirty and corrupt, so it is not far from reality that the officials in the bottom are also dirty and corrupt. So, these "contraband" items in the Correction Facilities could easily slip into the hands of convicts.

The whole idea of incarceration is the regulation of the liberties of those who deserve to be punished. The criminals are sought to be corrected by prohibiting them from enjoying the life outside of jail. It is the prohibition of these privileges that would give the criminals the willingness to be corrected in order to get back these privileges. But that is not what is happening...

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