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A perspective on the LGBT issue in the Philippines

So, I was watching a television show about politics. The show is focused on the topics which are supposedly the issues that should be given a solution by the aspiring candidates. One of the issues is the LGBT community's rights.

Here's the thing. There are parameters to everything. I do not have anything against the LGBT community. I have friends, even relatives which are members of the LGBT community. But I believe that all the rights have a limitation.

There are roles which is suited to a particular group, class, or gender. Yes there should not be discrimination. I believe in that. But placing the correct piiece in the puzzles must also be viewed as an important factor. One would not place a square block in a round hole. It just wouldnt fit.

The LGBT community should not berrate all issues that might seem to lessen their worth without understanding the whole picture. For all we know, what might sound demeaning might actually be in favor of that group. The LGBT society should not take everything as an attack. Everyone is entitled to his own view. For so long as a person does not abuse the LGBT community, all of his statements must be taken in the proper context.

Take Pacquiao for example. Yes I agree that he used a harsh analogy. But let us respect his views. He is speaking with respect to his beliefs. Much like a lot of Filipinos are against Pacquiao being a senator since they view him as not suited for the position, Pacquiao merely stated his view that the same sex is not suited for each other. Though, I must admit that he should have stated it differently. Words have a funny way of getting people riled up for no reason. Come on. People are already mocking him since a lot of people believe that he does not possess the qualities of a great legislator. Why cant people think that he may not be aware of a better analogy. Just like Rizal. He said that a person who does not love his own language is worse than a foul smelling fish, or something to that effect. If you agree with that statement then he is a hero, if not then he is a villain.

I am of the opinion that marriage should not be granted to the same sex, well atleast the catholic marriage. There are other ways that the same sex can live together. What I suggest is for the legislators to pass a legislation removing discrimination. Laws should be centered on the capabilities of a person, not on his gender. Although, we must see that laws are in place not just to limit a person, but also to protect everyone.

As to the admission into the military, yes I agree that they should be allowed admission, provided that they pass the standards as set by the authorities. One must admit that there is a huge difference between the civilian world and the military world. If the LGBT person would survive in the military, then why not allow the admission. If they can overcome the harsh training, then by all means admit them. If they can assure the country that when the time comes that they are required to act strong, then admit them.

We should also look at the situation of the women in the military. Most women tend to act more like a man than a traditional woman when they enter the military. Why is that? Its because the standard in armed conflict is to act like a "man" as they say. The phrase "act like a man" does not mean gender. It just means that the acts required by the military are seen as that of a man.

We must all admit that there is a stereotype that exists in the Filipino society of what an LGBT person is or how they act. Military men are afraid that such a stereotype might be possessed by the LGBT person which would enter the military. The ability to abuse or harass is not limited to a man. There are priests that harass young boys, I do not say that all priests are like that. If the LGBT people could assure that no harassment of such sort would not exist, then by all means try out for the military

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