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Is change really coming?

The Philippines will be having a new President by the name of Rodrigo Duterte. He is a former Mayor of Davao. He is known to be strict and can actually walk the talk. But, may I ask? Is change really coming?

So far, im liking what I'm seeing. It is entertaining to see a person who would be holding the highest position in the Philippines to not bow down to anyone. He talks a big game. I just hope that he would follow through.

We've all seen what a tough talker Duterte is. We have seen how he made changes to Davao. I believe that he will make a change in the whole country. But im not really sure that he can achieve it in 3 to 6 months. Well, if he does then well and good.

One thing that concerns me is the international sphere of governance. We all know that there are rules that are different between the local political interplay and with that of the international. Leaders have to smile even if they dont feel like smiling just so needless bloodshed may be prevented. I do hope that Duterte can act accordingly when it comes to the international community. We must admit that the Philippines is a small country. Our capabilities can only do so much.

So back to the question, is change really coming?

Well, most certainly yes. Different people, different style of governance. As to effectivity? Well, that remains to be seen.

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