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A Comment on the Trump win as United States of America President

I don’t know if this is appropriate for my Lokalidad Blog, but I believe that the result of the US presidential election will certainly have an impact on the Philippines and the Filipinos.

As you may already know, Donald Trump has been triumphant on winning the Presidential seat of the most powerful country on this planet, the United States of America. Donald Trump was declared the winner over Hilary Clinton after garnering 276 electoral votes, while Hilary Clinton had 218 electoral votes at that time. Some say that this was a miraculous victory, I say let’s wait until we see the results of such a win before declaring it as anything.

I kind of expected Donald Trump to win. After the victory of President Rodrigo Duterte in the recent Philippine Elections, it’s an easy prediction to say that Donald Trump will win the US Elections. There have been many anti-Obama and anti-Democrat statements and views. It is a simple case of choosing whether people would still want to have 4 more years of democrat experience. In which case, the voters chose that they do not want that.

Another view is the idea that the US is still inherently filled with racist ideologies. The voters who voted for Donald trump seem to follow his American Supremacy campaign. This speaks a lot about the Americans’ views. I just hope that nothing cruel would come out of the ratification of the supremacist view. I hope that there wont be blatant violations of Human Rights.

It is without doubt that things will change in the US. We just do not know if it is for the good or the worse. We also do not know for whose good the change will be. One thing’s for certain, Republicans will be leading the charge this time. The freedom that people in the US are experiencing will soon be curtailed, in one way or another. And, much like the Philippines now, US will have a stronger voice on its claims. Diplomacy will not be as soft as before. And the US won’t be as forgiving as it has been for the last 8 years.

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