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A Call on the Legislative Branch of the Philippine Government to Create a Law for the Protection of Animal Rights

I am a pet lover. In fact, I am currently caring for two (2) dogs, which I consider to be part of the family, not only as pets. I have cared for dogs, as well as fishes, turtles, rabbits, hamsters, mice, etc., for almost my entire life. Therefore, it hurts my heart to see dogs in the street without owners or homes, hurt by road accidents, scavenging for food in the trash, riddled with skin disease, and any other misfortune that they may be experiencing.

With that said, I believe that a law should be passed to force the local governments to act and create a government unit solely for the care of animals and the advancement of their rights. Filipinos are not ready to just be told, which may be seen in the recent drug related news. Laws in the country are mere suggestions. As long as a person isn’t caught, they do not care about the law.

Foreign countries have exercised discretion in caring for animals. There are countries which impose stiff penalties on animal abusers. Others regulate the ownership of animals as such is a privilege and not a right.

Yes, The Philippines has laws that would protect animals, but there is no one who is firmly implementing such. The agencies who may take charge of animal protection are lacking and are not strict in their implementation of animal rights law. They are slacking off. A vast majority of the Filipino people do not abide by these laws. And the local governments are doing little to implement these laws.

No pet should be made to suffer. The Philippines should make measures to ensure that the pets are cared for in the best possible way. Take the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) for example. They are strict in implementing their laws for animals and are actually taking action against the abusive owners and any person who abuse animals.

I propose that the Legislative Branch of the Philippine Government should pass a law which would force the local governments to create an agency solely for the care of animals and the protection of their basic rights. These agencies should also be at the forefront of regulating animal trade and ensuring that the animals should only be placed in a home that would care for them. No pet should be made to roam around in the streets without any protection or food. Remember that these animals cannot effectively fend for themselves in the human society. A dog cannot do anything when his owner hits him harshly or totally neglects his need. If we protect people who can actually make ways to ensure their survival in the Human Society, much more should we protect the animals who are lost and without a clue on how to survive in our society.

This is a proposition. This may not be heard by anyone. But I hope that this somehow reaches the ears of those in power. For the mean time, I will continue to give what food I have to the stray dogs I may see in the streets and give what care I can give to those injured by the harsh environment of society.  

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