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Know all the facts before you berate someone. ..

A while ago I was listening to a radio show where people from all walks of life would call to ask for help. The person calling is a Filipino. The facts, as told by the Filipino, are as follows...

The Filipino was driving a car that was bumped by another vehicle driven by a foreigner. Turns out, the foreigner was driving without license and the car's registration has expired. After which, a suit was filed by the foreigner against the Filipino driver.

This driver called the radio program. The host of such radio program sided with the Filipino driver and called up the officer who was in charge of such accident. Live on radio, the host was berating the officer. He wasnt actually asking questions but instead making a statement. At one point the host berated the officer, and the officer, who seems to have not heard clearly what the host was saying asked, "what was that sir?" To which the host replied "you heard my question so dont act dumb and answer." I believe the officer got fed up and hung up on the host.

My side is, the host instantaneously sided with the caller. He didnt check if his story was true. It was a one sided thing. And, given that the foreigner was at fault, the police officer cannot stop the foreigner from filing a case against the Filipino Driver. Anyone can file a suit. Its up to the court to dismiss it or accept it and act on it.

The host was, I believe, trying so hard to look cool and tough. Well, atleast for me, it kind of backfired. It somehow showed how little he knows of the subject. Sorry to say, but it shows how dumb the host is. Know all the facts before you act on it. Just because someone tells you his side of the story it doesnt mean that its entirely true. And, it doesnt give you the right to berate someone for doing their job.

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