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The election season in the Philippines is about to start again. This will be a test of whether the voting population of the Philippines has learned from the mistakes of the leaders that they have elected into office.

It is my view that the Philippine Voters are still not educated enough to make smart voting choices. The voters still heavily rely on the money that the candidates spend on their bid for the position they are running for. Yes, it is a sad reality that vote buying is still rampant in a majority of the localities of the Philippines.

In one of the 1st Class Municipalities, I know of some instances that there is a huge amount spent just to win as a Mayor. One candidate buys votes for 500 pesos, another buys votes for 1000 pesos, while the third candidate buys votes for 1500 pesos. The voters just accept all of them. They make 2000 pesos profit just by pretending that they will votes for those candidates. The thing is, these candidates don't even know if the voter actually voted for them. But, most of those voters will still vote for the highest bidder. Which, in this case, was the one who spent 1500 pesos per voter.

There really isn't anything that the government could do to stop this sad transaction. And although the people are the ones suffering, it is still a fact that the poor outnumber the rich. A small amount of cash is a big help for them. Thus, they will take the risk of being governed by corrupt leaders. Of course, those who spent for the elections will always find a way to regain the money that they have lost.

Those who care for the Country are the ones who are affected. But, they cannot do anything but hope for the best.

So, for all of you who will read this, I urge you to make a smart decision. Please think of the choice that you will make this coming election. Vote for the candidate who will actually fight for the rights of the people and the betterment of the Philippines.

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